Online Voicemail Greeting Generator

To the perfect phone message in just a few minutes

Create high-quality voicemail messages with naturally sounding voices and optional background music.

240+ satisfied customers
Available immediately
Create your Voicemail Greeting now
Click to unmute

Trusted by leading companies

24 Hour Fitness
American Family Insurance
Olive Garden

A Professional Voice Maker for Voicemail Messages

Get your professional business Voicemail Greeting in just three easy steps - quick and hassle-free


Select Voice

Choose from various professional voices that suit your greeting.

  • 11 natural voices
  • Various voice characters

Enter Text

Formulate your message or choose from templates.

  • Professional Templates
  • Customization Options

Available Immediately

Your message will be generated instantly and ready for download.

  • MP3 Format
  • Immediate Availability

Create your professional voicemail greeting in minutes

Utilize cutting-edge AI technology for your personalized greeting. Simple, fast, and professional - ready to use immediately.

What to expect
  • High-quality AI voices

    Naturally sounding voices thanks to the latest AI technology. For Female Voicemail Greetings & Male Voicemail Greetings

  • Lightning-fast creation

    Get your finished greeting in less than a minute

  • Free trial

    Test all features risk-free

  • Transparent & Fair

    One-time payment with no hidden costs

Audio Samples

Voicemail Message Examples for Your Industry

Discover professional voicemail greetings for various industries and use cases

Office & Administration

Professional Greeting with Helena
Length: 0:22 min
"Welcome to Mustermann Inc. Unfortunately, we cannot take your call at the moment..."
Listen to Sample
With Background Music

Medical Practice

Friendly Greeting with Victoria
Length: 0:28 min
"You have reached Dr. Mustermann's practice. We are currently in consultation and cannot take your call..."
Listen to Sample
With Background Music

Law Firm

Serious Message with Thomas
Length: 0:25 min
"Welcome to the law firm Mustermann & Partner. Outside of our business hours, you can leave us a message..."
Listen to Sample
With Background Music

Transparent Prices for Your Voicemail Greeting

In just two steps to your professional phone greeting - quick and easy

Standard Package

Professional greeting without music

$19 /one-time
  • High-quality professional voice output
  • Choice of 11 natural voices
  • Unlimited playback of the greeting
  • Download in MP3 format

Premium Package

Professional greeting with background music

$24 /one-time
  • All features of the Standard Package
  • Professional background music
  • 6 different music tracks to choose from
  • Optimized audio quality & mixing

One-time payment, no hidden costs or subscriptions

Secure payment with

Pay securely with PayPal Visa credit card accepted Mastercard credit card accepted

Voicemail Message Maker Trusted by Leading Brands

Join thousands of businesses that trust VoiceMailCraft for their professional communication needs

Trusted by leading brands including Coldwell Banker, Olive Garden, Zappos, and 24 Hour Fitness

Professional Perception

According to a survey conducted by Smith Corp, approximately 70% of business professionals stated that they view companies with personal voicemail greetings as more trustworthy and reliable than those without.


Increased Callback Rates

A study by VoiceLink Communications found that businesses with clear and concise voicemail greetings experienced an increase of about 45% in callback rates from potential clients or partners compared to those with generic or no greetings.


Customer Satisfaction

In a survey by Business Communication Solutions, about 60% of customers expressed that they felt more valued and satisfied when they encountered a custom voicemail greeting, believing that the business was more attentive and responsive to their needs.


What Our Customers Say

Over 240 satisfied customers trust our Professional Phone Announcements

"Perfect solution for our practice. The greeting sounds very professional and was created in just a few minutes."

Dr. Emily Johnson

Johnson Family Dentistry

"Very satisfied with the quality of the greeting. The voice sounds absolutely natural and professional. Exactly what we were looking for our law firm."

Attorney Michael Smith

Smith & Partners Law Firm

"The combination of professional voice and suitable background music is perfect. Our customers are thrilled!"

Sarah Brown

Practice Manager

"Outstanding service! The greeting exceeded our expectations. The quick turnaround was especially impressive."

Thomas Anderson


"Quick, easy, and professional. The quality of the voices is impressive. Exactly what we were looking for our startup."

Julia Roberts

Startup Founder

"Excellent customer service and an impressive selection of voices. The new phone greeting has taken our business to the next level."

Andrew Johnson


"The background music makes a real difference. Our new greeting sounds much more professional. The service is worth every penny!"

Mark Johnson

Hotel Manager

"The flexibility in customizing the greetings is fantastic. We can now quickly respond to seasonal changes."

Thomas Williams

Marketing Manager

"The flexibility in customizing the greetings is fantastic. We can now quickly respond to seasonal changes."

Thomas Williams

Marketing Manager

"The flexibility in customizing the greetings is fantastic. We can now quickly respond to seasonal changes."

Marie Johnson

Customer Service Manager


Frequently Asked Questions

Everything you need to know about our voicemail greetings at a glance

Q How can I set up the greeting on my phone?

After downloading, you can easily:

  • Upload directly through your phone system
  • Send it via email to your phone
  • Upload it through the phone system

Q What audio format will I receive?

You will receive your greeting in the universal MP3 format with optimal audio quality (48kHz), which is supported by all common phone systems.

Q How does payment work?

Payment is secure and convenient via PayPal or credit card. After successful payment, your greeting will be available for immediate download.

Q Can I use the greeting multiple times?

Yes, you will receive full usage rights. You can use the greeting indefinitely and on as many of your own devices as you like.

Q How long does it take to create?

The generation of your greeting occurs in real-time and takes only a few seconds. After payment, you can download the file immediately.

Q Is there a length limit for the text?

The text of your greeting can be up to 600 characters long. This corresponds to about 45-60 seconds of speaking time and is optimal for a professional voicemail greeting.

Have more questions? We're here for you!

Get in touch

Your professional voicemail greeting in just minutes

Create your custom greeting now with state-of-the-art AI voice synthesis. Available instantly, easy to create.

Your Benefits
  • AI Voice Synthesis

    State-of-the-art AI technology for natural-sounding voices

  • Instant Availability

    Your greeting is generated and available in seconds

  • Free Preview

    Test different voices and texts for free

  • Affordable & Flexible

    Fair prices and unlimited customization options


Tailored Solutions for Your Industry

Professional voicemail greetings, optimized for the specific needs of your industry

Is your industry not listed? We have solutions for all business sectors.

Create a Custom Greeting Now

Custom Voicemail Greeting Scripts

Professional templates for every situation - ready to use or customize

Out of Office

Vacation Message

"Thank you for calling. I am currently out of the office on vacation until [DATE] and will have limited access to voicemail. For urgent matters, please contact [NAME] at [NUMBER]. Otherwise, I will respond to your message upon my return. Thank you for your understanding."

After Hours

"You've reached [COMPANY NAME]. Our office is currently closed. Our business hours are Monday through Friday, 9 AM to 5 PM. Please leave your name, number, and a brief message, and we'll return your call during business hours. For emergencies, please call [EMERGENCY NUMBER]."

Busy Lines

All Lines Busy

"All our representatives are currently assisting other customers. Your call is important to us. Please stay on the line and the next available representative will assist you. Alternatively, leave a message with your name and number, and we'll call you back as soon as possible."

Hold Message

"Thank you for holding. We are experiencing higher than normal call volume. Your estimated wait time is [X] minutes. For faster service, you can visit our website at [WEBSITE] or leave a message and we'll return your call within one business day."

Special Greetings

Holiday Message

"Season's greetings from [COMPANY NAME]! Our office will be closed from December 24th through January 2nd for the holiday season. We will return all messages when we reopen on January 3rd. For urgent matters, please email [EMAIL]. Happy Holidays!"

Info Message

"Welcome to [COMPANY NAME]. Did you know you can handle most requests through our website at [WEBSITE]? For immediate assistance, press 1 for sales, 2 for support, or stay on the line to leave a message."

AI Voicemail Greetings Meet Custom Voice Message Crafting

Redefining Communication for Personal and Professional Touchpoints

At VoiceMailCraft, we understand that in today's digital landscape, a personal touch in communication stands out. That's why we've made it simple for you to craft your own voicemail with our intuitive voicemail maker.

Comprehensive Voice Solutions

  • Text-to-speech voicemail conversion
  • Business voicemail greeting generator
  • Male and female voice options

Our pioneering AI voicemail technology is reshaping the voicemail landscape. With AI voicemail greetings, you get a voice that's not just natural but also adaptable to each call's context.

Smart AI Technology

Leverage cutting-edge AI for natural-sounding voicemail greetings that adapt to your needs.

Auto Attendant

Professional auto attendant greetings that efficiently route calls and enhance customer experience.

Free Options Available

Access free business voicemail greetings and custom greeting generators to get started.